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Whole Body Wellness for Women

Are you ready to say “YES” to God’s calling for a deeper transformation over your health and/or your spiritual wellbeing?  Are you ready to “put off the former self” and become renewed body, mind, and Spirit?  Then this Whole-Body Wellness for Women is for you.


Whole Body Wellness for Women is an online, monthly, Chrisian platform with a holistic (body, mind, Spirit) approach to building community, lifestyle habits and more through God’s word.  It is about learning how to put off the old self and put on the new self.  Paul’s message to the Ephesians and us in Chapter 4:22-23 talks about putting off the old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds, and to put on the new self, coated to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

James Clear in his book Self Improvement says this about habits “Bad habits interrupt your life and prevent you from accomplishing your goals.  They jeopardize your health, both mentally and physically and they waste your time and energy.”  He goes on to say that “you don’t eliminate a bad habit, you replace it.”  I am sure we can all relate to Paul’s struggles with sin and the law outlined in Roman’s 7:14-25.  In this scripture we see how he expresses his desire to do good, his failure to do so, and his hope in Jesus Christ. 


An unknown author put it like this “two natures beat within my breasts, one is foul, one is blessed.  The one I love and the one I hate, the one I feed will dominate.”  What nature are you feeding?  When we do not know and/or live according to God’s word, God’s truth, the enemy wins the battle.  Join this community of Christ-centered women, of all ages, who are all looking for a deeper transformation.  A community where we will build an inspiring, engaging, and supportive online sisterhood.  A place where you will feel seen, heard, and lifted.  God made us for community, the body of believers - His church.

Christian Booklet

Whole Body Wellness for Women Membership program you will:

  • Experience a deeper transformation that will lead you in a closer walk with the Lord.

  • Sit at the feet of Jesus.

  • Learn to empower the inner self through the renewing of our minds by allowing Christ into every area of your life.

  • Know the power of the Holy Spirit in your life.

  • Learn your unique constitution to live the vibrant life God has created you to live.

  • Develop what it looks like to have confidence in the Lord.

​Our Mission

  • Monthly coaching calls with Biblical teachings; live and recorded.

  • Create a comprehensive library of Soul Flow Yoga classes, meditations, and holistic biblical tools.  The yoga classes and meditation are designed to incorporate the biblical teaching for the month and are recorded.

  • Build an inspiring, engaging, and supportive holistic, Christian, wellness community online where you will feel heard, seen and lifted by other like-minded, God loving women daily through a private communication page.

  • Learn lifestyle habits that align with God’s creation to live vibrant lives.

  • Discounts on retreats and other online programs that Renew Wellness offers (Low Pressure Fitness, yin Yoga for Structural Integrity, Faith and Fasting program that is offered twice a year, and more).

  • Guest speakers.

Scripture calls us to take the influence of Jesus everywhere we go.  “You are writing a gospel, a chapter a day by the deeds that you do and the words that you say.  Men read what you write whether faithless or true.  What is the gospel according to you?”


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